horses of the past
My mom bred and owned many horses over the past 37 years. The most important two of the past shall be presented here. Layaali as she represents a foundation mare still active in our breeding and Velvet as my inspiration and reason for my love for Crabbet Arabians.

LAYAALI 1990-2021
1990 by Blacklord Caesaro out of DP Black Angel, bred by Woodlay Arabians, GB
My mom fell in love with black Arabians who became more and more popular in the 90ies. At Woodlay Arabians in Cornwall she found very high quality Arabians in black. Layaalis mother Black Angel was a very beautiful mare and she was thrilled when Layaali joined our stud 1994.
She had 1995 a lovely filly by Basco MSC and 1998 after an other visit to England a colt by Simeon Sadik, Caid Jabbar. Through him she still lives on in our current mares Cashmina and Chepi Corvette as well as Caid Jalil.
Layaali was a very special mare: graceful, beautiful head, good body, nice movement. But it was more her overall presence that left a big impression. She did some endurance and had a great pulse and recovery rate. She was very kind to people and patient with the little kids and always loved cuddles.

BLUE VELVET 1988-2016
1988 by Bremervale Emperor out of Blue Ayala bred by Caid Arabians
Velvet was our first pure bred Arabian foal and my first own horse. Velvet spent the first year with her mother and when her sister was due she was sent to a "foal field" with lots of Ponies where she learnt a lot of bad behaviour.
We got her trained and she was easy trainable with quite a character though. We did all sorts of riding and 1995 she had her one and only foal Blue Anaya by the Egyptian
stallion Rihan Or. Ar.
2001 we went on our first distance ride together with Layaali. Velvet was a moving machine, she had a lovely stride and always enjoyed to go out. We did quite a few more rides, in total over 500km. I learned a lot from her and by the time she was 20 she carried me safely through my own pregnancy. Velvet wasn't the one for cuddles or long cleaning sessions. She wanted to get on with stuff and not hang around. Love her to bits.